Course Title: English 1 (3 Cr.)

Course Code: CACS103

Year/Semester: I/I

Class Load: 4 Hrs. / Week (Theory: 3 Hrs., Tutorial: 1 Hr.)

Course Description 

This course aims at helping students combine the knowledge of the English language with their technical knowledge with special emphasis on vocabulary acquisition and -grammatical accuracy. It offers up-to-date technical content, authentic reading and listening passages covering a wide range of topics

Like the use of virtual reality in industry, personal computing, viruses and security, information systems, and multimedia. Letter-writing section offers a complete guide to writing work-related letters and comprehensive glossary of technical terms forms a useful mini-dictionary of computing terminology.

Course Objectives

The main objectives of the course are to:

– Impart effective language skills to students and enable them to use language accurately, clearly and concisely,

– Acquaint students with language used in computer study through extensive reading activity,

– Help them to enhance their ability to use language in a proper way with specific focus on grammatical accuracy and writing competence,

– Enable students to improve work-related letter writing skills with special attention to presentation and structure, and

– Familiarize them with innovation in computer science while introducing them with the language used in this field.

Course Contents 


Unit One [9 Hrs.]

I. Personal Computing
The Processor
Language Focus A: Contextual Reference

II. Portable Computers
Operating Systems
Language Focus B: Word formation, prefixes

III. Online Services

Data Transmission
Language Focus C: Word formation, suffixes

Unit Two [12 Hrs.]

I. Computer Software
Comparing Software Packages
Language Focus D: Making Comparisons

II. Computer Networks
Network Configurations
Language Focus E: Time Sequence

III. Computer in Education

Language Focus F: Giving Examples

IV. Virtual Reality

VR Input Devices
Language Focus G: Classifying


Unit Three [9 Hrs.]

I. Programming and Languages

C Languages
Language Focus H: Organizing Information

II. Computer Viruses

Computer Security
Language Focus I: Listing

III. Computers in the Office

Computer System
Language Focus J: The Passive

Unit Four  [6 Hrs.]

I. Computers in Medicine

Data Storage and Management
Language Focus K: Explanations and Definitions

II. Robotics

Robot Characteristics
Language Focus L: Compound Noun

Unit Five [9 Hrs.]

I. Machine Translation

AT and Expert System
Language Focus M: Cause and Effect

II. Multi Media

Language Focus N: Making Predictions

III. Computer Graphics

24-bit Color
Language Focus 0: Letter Writing,

Teaching Methods 

The course expects communicative language teaching (CLT). Facilitating the learning process, the instructors are expected to stimulate the students to work as per the spirit of the course and make learning a joyful experience.


Internal Evaluation: 40%

Attendance – 5
Presentation/classroom participation- 5
Writing sample- 15
Mid-term test- 15

Final Evaluation 60%

Vocabulary formation
Grammar testing
Writing of multiple forms

Prescribed Textbook

1. Boeckner, Keith and P. Charles Brown. Oxford English for Computing. London: Rutledge, 1993.

To download full Syllabus CLICK HERE

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