BCA – Student Evaluation System can be very beneficial for you to score a higher GPA if you utilize your entire semester properly.

Evaluation of students enrolled in the BCA program is divided into two Assessments, Internal and External Assessments. Colleges and Campuses track student’s academic performance throughout the semester for the internal assessment while the external assessment is based on the semester (final) examination which is given by the FOHSS at end of every semester.

The internal assessment weighs 40%.  Each of the subjects in every semester evaluated on the basis of the guidelines prescribed by the TU-FOHSS. Internal marks are awarded on the basis of constant assessment. This includes your attendance, submission of assignments and lab reports on time and performance on projects, tests and internal examinations. A portion of your internal marking is also dependent on the practical exam and viva conducted by the faculty which us invigilated by the invigilator deployed by the faculty itself.

Similarly, the rest of the 60% is based on how you perform in your semester examinations. This includes a written examination. Basically, the written examination is divided into three groups, A, B and C. Group A contains 10 MCQs each carrying a mark each. For this, you will be given a separate question paper on which you have to mark the answers. You have only 20 minutes for this group. Group B and C will be on the other paper which you will get only upon the submission of Group A question/ answer paper. The group B is of 30 marks with 7 (6) questions each carrying 5 marks and Group C is of 10 marks with 3 (2) questions each carrying 10 marks.

40% for any subject in internal assessment and D grade in the final examination is a must for a student to pass that subject. Students must pass ‘Theory Internal Assessment’, ‘Practical Internal Assessment’ and ‘Final Examination’ separately.


Examination Scheme (Subjects with Practical)
Internal Assessment External Assessment Total
Theory Practical Theory Practical
20% 20%

(3 hours)


(3 hours)

Examination Scheme (Subjects without Practical)
Internal Assessment External Assessment Total
40% 60%

(3 hours)


Grading System

Letter Grade Grade Point Description
A 4.0 Excellent
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0 Good
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0 Satisfactory
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D 1.0 Work satisfying minimum requirement for Credit
F 0 Failing


Besides the above-mentioned grades, there’s a special provision of ‘I’ grade which is very rare and unusual. If all the required works for any subject in a semester is not completed, the student might be awarded an ‘I’ grade. Such work is expected to be completed by the following semester upon failing which the ‘I’ grade is automatically converted into an ‘F’ grade.


Semester Evaluation

The performance of the students in a semester is evaluated in terms of Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA). This is the grade point average for the semester. And the grade point average of all the completed semester is evaluated in terms of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).


SGPA = (Total Honor Points earned in a semester) / (Total number of credits registered in a semester)
GGPA = (Total Honor Points earned) / (Total number of credits completed)


Information Extracted from: TUFOHSS/ Bachelor Degree Program/ Bachelor of Arts  in Computer Application (BCA)

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