With Digital Logic exam, the most challenging subject for the most of us, being taken first semester has come to an end any many of us are excited and curious about the second semester. This semester onward you might feel the real essence of being an IT student, the thing you probably might have joined the BCA, Programming. We have a total of five subjects in the TU BCA second Semester.

C Programming

Course Code: CACS151

Credit Hours: 4

Class Load: 8 hours a week (Theory: 4 hr, Tutorial: 1 hr, Practical: 3 hr)


Financial Accounting

Course Code: CAAC152

Credit Hours: 3

Class Load: 5 hours a week (Theory: 3 hr, Tutorial: 1 hr, Practical: 1 hr)


English II

Course Code: CAEN103

Credit Hours: 3

Class Load: 4 hours a week (Theory: 3 hr, Tutorial: 1 hr)


Mathematics II

Course Code: CAMT154

Credit Hours: 3

Class Load: 5 hours a week (Theory: 3 hr, Tutorial: 1 hr, Practical: 1 hr)


Microprocessor and Computer Architecture

Course Code: CACS155

Credit Hours: 3

Class Load: 6 hours a week (Theory: 3 hr, Tutorial: 1 hr, Practical: 2 hr)


You can also get study materials for the second semester here.

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