
Course Title: Introduction to Management (3 cr.)
Course code: CAMG304
Year/Semester: Ill /V
Class load: 3 Hrs./Week (Theory: 3Hrs)

Course Description
This course contains Introduction to Management, perspectives in management thought, emerging issues and challenges in management, management functions like planning, leading, controlling, organizational change and development, communication, emerging issues in quality management, technology and management.

Course Objectives
This course aims to impart the basic management knowledge, and skills to the students so as to enhance their managerial capabilities and enable them to apply in the practical field.

Course Contents

Unit 1: Introduction [4 Hrs.]
Management: concepts, meaning and functions. Types of managers. Managerial roles and skills. Organization and management. Changing perspectives of organization.

Unit 2: Perspectives in Management   [7 Hrs.]
Classical Perspective: scientific management, administrative management and bureaucracy. Behavioral Perspective: Hawthorne studies, human relations movement, and emergence of organizational behavior. Quantitative Perspective: management science and operations management. Integrating perspectives: systems and contingency perspectives. Emerging management issues and challenges.

Unit 3: Planning and decision making     [7 Hrs.]
Concept of planning, Levels of Planning: Strategic. Tactical and operational. Steps in Planning. Tools for planning. Decision Making: meaning, types and process. Decision making conditions — certainty, risk and uncertainty.

Unit 4: Organizing   [9 Hrs.]
Concept of organizing, process and principles of organizing. Organization Architecture: vertical differentiation — tall versus flat hierarchies, horizontal differentiation — functional structure, multidivisional structure, geographic structure, and matrix structure.
Authority: line authority a d staff authority. Delegation of authority. Centralization, Decentralization and Devolution: meaning, reasons, advantages and disadvantages. Staffing: concept and importance.

Unit 5: Leading and communication  [7 Hrs.]
Concept and qualities of leadership. Transformational and transactional leadership, Leadership Styles: autocratic, democratic, and participative. Concept of managerial ethics. Motivation: concept, importance, and techniques. Communication: meaning, process, and networks. Types of communication, Barriers to effective communication.

Unit 6: Controlling and total quality management     [5 Hrs.]
Concept, purpose, Process and types of controls. Essentials of effective control systems. Control tools and techniques. Quality: Concept and importance. Total Quality Management: concept, components, principles, tools and techniques. Emerging issues in quality management.

Unit 7: Organizational Change and Development    [5 Hrs.]
Concept and nature, forces, paradigm shifts and areas (structure, technology, business process and behaviors) of organizational change. Resistance to change. Overcoming resistance to change. Concept of Organizational Development

Unit 8: Technology, Organization and Management [4 Hrs.]
Concept of technology, approaches to technology and organization, social networking, use of technology in people management,

Internal Assessment: 40 marks
External Assessment: 60 marks
Total: 100 marks

Teaching methods
The major teaching methods include the case analysis, project work, term paper, assignments, and quiz. The instructor decides the learning strategies based on the nature of session/class.

– Charles W.L. Hill and Steven L. McShane, Principles of Management, Tata Mc-Graw-Hill Company, New Delhi.
– Griffin, Ricky W. Management. AITBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
– Hitt, M.A., J.S. Black and Porter, L.W., Management, Pearson Education, New Delhi
– Laurie J. M. Management and organizational Behaviour, Pearson, New Delhi

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