Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) is a freshly launched program by Tribhuvan University under the faculty of Humanities and Social Science. This program was firstly launched in academic year 2074/2075. In its first phase, TU has permitted to run this program at its six constituent campuses. But from academic year 2075/2076, TU allowed over 125 colleges which include private as well as government campuses to run this program.
Purbanchal University and Pokhara University are also running the BCA program in Nepal.
If you are looking for BCA notes, click here.
To download BCA syllabus ,click HERE.
Course Objective:
The objective of the Bachelor of Arts in Computer Application (BCA) at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Tribhuvan University is to produce high-quality computer application users and developers.
Duration of the Program:
The program of study for Bachelor of Arts. in Computer Application (BCA) is over eight semesters (four academic years). The academic year begins in September and February of each year.
Students who have passed PCL or + 2 or equivalent examinations with minimum 40% marks or 2 CGPA (not less than D+ in single Subject) are eligible for admission in BCA program of Tribhuvan University.
Entry Requirement:
The entry requirement for students in Bachelor of Arts in Computer Application (I3CA) is Intermediate Level or Higher Secondary level (10+ 2) or equivalent in any discipline from a recognized institution with at least second division ( 45%) marks. Besides the necessary academic requirements, an entrance examination will be conducted for all applicants by the concerned Dean’s office.
Admission Procedure :
The entrance test application form and the information brochure shall be provided on request at the concerned college or department. The relevant college or department scrutinizes the applications. The eligible candidates are informed to appear in the entrance test. The exact date for the entrance test is communicated to the applicants by the concerned Dean’s office. The candidates shall be admitted on merit basis. The subjects and weight age of each item for the Entrance test will be as follow:
English: 40%: Mathematics: 50% and General Knowledge: 10%
The college may also hold interviews for the candidates before their final selection for admission. The candidates, who are given provisional access pending submission of the qualifying certificates, are required to submit all necessary documents within a week of the beginning of regular classes. Otherwise, the entry will be annulled.
Student Evaluation :
Each course shall have internal evaluation marks of 40% evaluated by the concerned faculty member. Generally, each session will have a written end semester examination (Final Examination) of 60% marks at the end of each semester. The internal marks shall be awarded on the ·basis of continuous assessment. Usually, final examinations are not conducted for elective courses and in courses which are offered as intensive courses conducted by reputed international scholars. To pass in a subject, a student must obtain a minimum of 40% in that subject in internal assessment and D grade in the final examination. Students must pass ‘Theory Internal Assessment,’ ‘Practical Assessment’ and ‘Final Examination’ separately.
Curricular structure
Bachelor of Arts in Computer Application (BCA) Course Structure
Courses | Credit Hours |
Computer Application (Core Courses) | 71 (4*2+ 3*21) |
Elective Courses | 12 (3+3+3+3) |
Mathematics and Statistics Courses | 9 ( 3+3+3) |
Language Courses | 6 (3+3) |
Social Sciences and Management Courses | 15 (3+3+3+3+3) |
Project & Internships | 13 (2+2+6+3) |
Year I
1st Semester
Computer Fundamentals and Applications
Society and Technology
English I
Mathematics I
Digital Logic
2nd Semester
C Programming
Financial Accounting
English II
Mathematics II
Microprocessor and Computer Architecture
Year II:
3rd Semester
Data Structures and Algorithms
Probability and Statistics
System analysis and design
OOP in Java
Web Technology
4th Semester
Operating System
Numerical Methods
Software Engineering
Scripting Language
Database Management System
Project I
Year III:
5th Semester
MIS and E-Business
DotNet Technology
Computer Networking
Introduction to Management
Computer Graphics and Animation
6th Semester
Mobile Programming
Distributed System
Applied Economics
Advanced Java Programming
Network Programming
Project II
Year IV:
7th Semester
Cyber Law and Professional Ethics
Cloud Computing
Elective I
Elective II
8th Semester
Operations Research
Project III
Elective III
Elective IV
Get the latest BCA notices here: https://notebahadur.com/category/notice/
To download BCA syllabus click HERE